Monday, 4 October 2010

Media Evaluation

Magazine Cover

For my preliminary exercise I had to produce a magazine cover and contents page with a mid-shot. I used my limited knowledge of Photoshop to produce a basic Masthead and a few news stories on the front.

If I could re-do the front page of the magazine I would definitely add a bar code and a few more photos. I would also take a lot longer over cutting round the photo of model and would use the lasso tool rather than using the eraser tool, this would make the image look a lot more professional. I would also try to use a different font, as I don’t think mine would appeal to my target audience, this being teenagers. I feel that the colour scheme I used went pretty well, as it looked fitting, and in my view, pretty slick.

The contents page I produced went quite well, for the time I had to produce it. I feel that it looks quite simplistic which adds to the easy-reading factor, which would help teenagers. I would have liked to add a border to the photos I include, and would make the font a lot smaller so I could make more points.

Overall I feel that I benefited from the task as I have now developed my Photoshop skills. I also would feel a lot more confident in expressing my ideas if I was set a similar task.

1 comment:

  1. a suitable evaluation. good attention to detail with the images.
