Rushmore - Representation of Max
Max Fischer
On first viewing Max Fischer does not seem to be the stereotypical teenager. There are many things in the short clip that back up this. The first being that he dreams about solving maths problems. Most teenagers would not be interested in maths, and even if they were, would not let on that they are. Whereas Max is dreaming of maths equations therefore supporting the fact that he is not stereotypical. The fact that he is a founder or member of most clubs again backs up the point that he is not stereotypical. Most "normal" people his age do not get involved in many clubs, probably thinking that it's embarrassing. This also shows that he has a high confidence-level. Another un-stereoptypical characteristic that Max has is that he is very tidy, and may even have OCD. When he is managing the Lecross team he is not watching the game but tidying up. Whereas a lot of stereotypical teenagers are meant to be untidy and messy. If you delve more deeply into Max's behaviour there are some stereotypical aspects. He is always trying to fit in, and by joining all the clubs he is maybe attention seeking. This is an example of stereotypical behaviour as everyone wants to feel accepted. Also the fact that he always wears his uniform suggests that he may be poor which would back up the point of him trying to fit in. This makes you question why he is actually at the school.
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